Day 24

Weather: 90s and partly cloudy

Went to MGM Studios today. Taylor is turning into quite the live performance fan. We went to the Beauty and the Beast live performance and she loved it. We lucked into great seats – we showed up just before the show started and they opened up the disabled seating in the front row. It would have sucked to be one of the performers – 90 degrees outside (it was an outdoor theater) and they were wearing very big costumes.

Went on the Rockin’ Rollercoaster…It was way cool – like space mountain on steroids. Shot out of the gate at extremely high speed, and then the ride was in the dark with at least one loop, and some inverted turns.

Also went on the tower of terror – think of a 120′ tall frog hopper in the dark. You would go shooting up, then at the top a bunch of doors would open so you could see how high above the park you were, and then you watched the top part of the fall before you went into the dark again. There were some pretty cool effects as the car you were riding moved to the up/down part of the ride.

Went on a couple of other shows/rides that were not as good (ariel’s undersea show, and mickey’s movie ride). Followed this up with dinner at Pizza Planet. Hit star tours on the way out, and that was pretty much the rest of the day.

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